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Women and Smoking: Time to Face the Crisis - Conference Report Launch

Published: Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Irish Cancer Society is delighted to invite you to the launch of 'Women and Smoking: Time to Face the Crisis', a report on the growing crisis of female smoking in Ireland.

Mr. Alex White, T.D. Minister of State with responsibility for Primary Care at the Department of Health will launch the report.

The report brings together findings from the Women and Smoking: Time to Face the Crisis Conference held by the Irish Cancer Society and the National Women's Council of Ireland in July 2012 and focus group research on smoking attitudes and behaviours.

Speakers will include Ms. Orla O Connor, Director, National Women's Council of Ireland and Ms. Kathleen O'Meara, Head of Advocacy and Communications, Irish Cancer Society.

 Light refreshments will be served.

Where: Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2

When Thursday, 10th January 2013 at 11am

Please RSVP to Rachel Wright, Irish Cancer Society at rwright@irishcancer.ie by Thursday, 3rd January.

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